How to Show Yourself Love

“Speak to yourself the way you speak to your best friend when they’re feeling insecure and full of doubt.” — me to me, and me to you

What does showing yourself love mean to you? 

To me, it’s a lot more than lighting a candle or putting on a clay mask.

It requires me to navigate the hard stuff, to feel my emotions, to hold myself accountable, to commit to learning and growing. To reflect. To show myself grace. To take care of my physical and mental health. To accept that I’ll never be perfect. To appreciate and move my body. To eat more greens. To rest. To let go of situations that do not serve me. To show up even when I’m scared. To nurture my relationships. To remind myself that I’m worthy, I’m enough, I’m loved.

These are only a few ways I show myself love — and some are easier than others.  

So…how do you?

Night sky with a crescent moon shining brightly. The sky is a mix of shades of black, dark blues, oranges, and yellows.

44 Ways to Show Yourself Love (An Incomplete List)  

We’re all on our own journeys, so this list will not be one-size-fits-all. 

But, if you’re looking for some ideas to show yourself love this week, here’s some suggestions:

  1. Committing to a daily (or weekly) journaling practice

  2. Showing gratitude towards yourself (and others too) 

  3. Starting a morning meditation routine

  4. Not checking your phone right when you wake up

  5. Having a nice, long, stretch 

  6. Drinking water (with lemon if you’re feeling fancy)

  7. Releasing the pressure to be perfect

  8. Respecting your boundaries

  9. Speaking to yourself the way you speak to someone you love 

  10. Having a slightly longer shower than usual

  11. Cooking yourself a nice meal

  12. Eating more greens 

  13. Taking yourself out on a date

  14. Going to bed early 

  15. Taking the time to simply “chill out”

  16. Buying yourself flowers 

  17. Dancing in your room 

  18. Keeping the promises you make to yourself

  19. Moving your body to feel good, not to punish it

  20. Reading a book that makes you think 

  21. Watching a TV show you love 

  22. Listening to a podcast that teaches you something new 

  23. Eating a baked good (or multiple)

  24. Going to therapy if you can afford it

  25. Getting a massage if you can afford it 

  26. Replacing that lightbulb you’ve been “meaning to get around to”

  27. Cleaning (and decluttering) your bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, etc. — not necessarily all at once

  28. Lighting a candle, putting on a face mask, and listening to some music

  29. Booking a flight or exploring a nearby neighbourhood/city

  30. Nurturing your relationships (romantic and platonic)

  31. Trying something new and being okay if you suck at it

  32. Catching yourself when you compare your life, body, or “success” to someone else 

  33. Taking responsibility for your actions 

  34. Forgiving yourself for your mistakes 

  35. Not holding onto the past or looking too far into the future

  36. Committing to becoming more financially literate 

  37. Spending quality time alone

  38. Letting go of situations that do not serve you

  39. Removing yourself from toxic relationships (romantic, workplace, etc.)

  40. Feeling your feelings — even the tougher ones

  41. Showing up even when you’re scared 

  42. Believing in yourself even when the little voice in the back of your head tells you otherwise 

  43. Learning how to say “no” without an explanation

  44. Reminding yourself that you’re worthy, you’re enough, and you’re loved

What do you think? Let me know your thoughts on Instagram, or subscribe to the monthly newsletter if email is more your style. My DMs are open. 


Toxic Positivity Is Not the Vibe