3 Ways to Be More Mindful

“Developing a new habit takes time. Be kind to yourself. Be patient.” – me to me, and me to you

What does it mean to be more mindful?

Let’s rewind to 2020 — a year that forced me to slow down, reflect, and turn inwards.

I asked myself questions: How do I want to live my life? Who and what matters to me? How do I respond to others? Who and what am I grateful for? How do I care for myself?

I started reading about meditation. I practiced mindful breathing. I dove into journaling. I began reciting affirmations. I audited my social media use. I focused on listening to my body. I became more aware of my thoughts. 

And so, me to me, and me to you was born. 

Has it been easy? No. Do I have more to learn? Yes, and always will. 

If you’re starting your own journey, here are three ways to be more mindful: 

Photo by Hide Obara on Unsplash

But First, What Is Mindfulness? 

According to Mindful, mindfulness is defined as “the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.”

Practicing mindfulness is to be more aware of: 

  • your thoughts

  • your feelings

  • your actions

3 Ways to Be More Mindful 

#1: Meditation Practice 

Sitting still and focusing on your breath is a powerful way to practice mindfulness. It can help you slow down, relax, and increase self-awareness. 

Some benefits of meditation include: 

  • Better focus and concentration

  • Improved self-esteem

  • Reduced stress

Try using an app like Headspace: start with 1 minute and work your way up to 5 or 10 (or more!) minutes a day. 

#2: Intentional Mornings 

Being more intentional in the morning is my favorite way to be more mindful – but it definitely took time to develop the habit. 

And to be honest, there are still days when I don’t do it (no one’s perfect!). 

Rather than looking at emails or social media posts, take some time to check in with yourself. 

How are you feeling? What (or who) are you grateful for? What's something you can do more of today? Less of? What would make today great?

Here’s my typical morning routine:

  • Drink water with lemon 

  • Movement (see below)

  • Meditation

  • Gratitude journal 

  • Affirmations

#3: Movement 

To me, movement is exercise, without the focus being on “losing weight” or how your body looks. 

Instead, how does your body feel? Do you enjoy practicing this movement? Do you feel yourself getting stronger; more limber? Are you in tune with your body – are you listening to it?

Some movement I’ve enjoyed this year:

Practicing mindfulness is like exercising a muscle. The more you do it, the more of a habit it’ll become. Why not give it a try?

For more thoughts about mindfulness, self-love, and simple affirmations sign up to my newsletter. Talk soon!


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